Sitting in the Aisle

It's kinda like getting an e-mail from John about what movie he just saw, well, kinda, sorta.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Sex: Movies or T.V.?

I've gotten a few requests to repeat my thoughts on how people view sex like the movies or t.v.

Some people see sex like some people view movies. There's a specific time and place to see a movie. You don't just go to the movies whenever or wherever. You have to check the time and go to the movie theater. You don't see a movie everyday either. Some people think of sex in the same manner. There's a place and time, usually the bedroom and usually at night.

Some people see sex like people watch t.v. You can watch t.v. anywhere, anyplace. There's even t.v. watches. You can put t.v.s in the kitchen, bathroom, and even cars. Some people are like that.

Which are you? While you're munching on that food for thought, you can catch me sitting in the aisle.


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