It's kinda like getting an e-mail from John about what movie he just saw, well, kinda, sorta.
Spider-Man 3 (Film)
I'm trying to decide just how bad this film is. At one point I checked my watch and was horrified to see I had another hour and some change to go. I hoped this film would get better. Those hopes were dashed. I liked some of the additions to the cast: Thomas Hayden Church and Bryce Dallas Howard. But, there were way too many villains and characters that were being forced into one movie. As great a villain the Sandman was, he was completely unnecessary. Events unfolded in a sloppy, perfunctory manner. It felt like things hap pened just because they were supposed to happen in order to set up the next action beat. At one point late in the movie, two villains meet randomly in an alley and decide to team-up because if they didn't, then the "thrilling" action finale wouldn't make any sense. There was no organic flow to the story and consequently lacked any semblance of cohesion. It's a crying shame to see a once great franchise disintegrate into a typical empty headed, summer blockbuster that makes you wonder why all that time and money were spent. These can't be the same filmmakers who made the first two. I was excited for this batch of summer movies to come in. Now all I feel is trepidation. I'm hoping this is not a harbinger of things to come. I give this web-crawler a D.
what about the fact that spiderman did so much phreakin crying!!! omg i hated sad
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